Monster Jam: A different skyline

Lucas Oil towering over the Hoosier Dome rubble
Lucas Oil towering over the Hoosier Dome rubble

If I remember correctly, most of the event parking spots last year cost either $10 or $15. Not so this year! Most parking areas near the stadium were $20, with a few at $15. Because I’m not made out of money and it doesn’t grow on trees, I was hoping to maximize our dollar – especially since we’d promised Aiden he could get a souvenir this year. I finally found a garage on the opposite end of the Convention Center for 10 bucks. It was a deal, but you get what you pay for. We had to walk pretty far. And it was cold. Very cold.

But Aiden was a trooper. I was quite proud of him. He even hung in there when we had to walk back to our car after the event. It was 10 degrees and the wind was blowing. On top of that, he twisted his knee on the descent through the stadium. But he kept going.

Closer view of the rubble
Closer view of the rubble. It didn't turn out like I'd hoped. Stupid bright sky.

In spite of the cold, the most memorable moment of our treks to and from the stadium was the pile of rubble formally known as the Hoosier Dome. They imploded it a few weeks ago and I was told it looked like a war zone now. I thought that might have been hyperbole, but it’s true. There’s so much twisted metal and broken concrete that it does look eerily like a war zone. I just hope it’s the closest we come to being in one.

The skyline definitely looks different now that the Dome is gone. Fortunately, it’s been replaced by such an impressive facility.

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Howdy. I'm Matt. My wife, Christy, and I have four kids and two dogs, I'm passionate about orphan care. I'm a die-hard fan of the Evansville Aces, the Indiana Hoosiers, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live life by the Todd family motto: "It behooves us to live!"
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