Milligan in the News

It has been a long-held tradition at Milligan College for students to “kidnap” the school mascot – a buffalo – and hang him from the ceiling of the Chapel.

This was done my freshman year.

It was done again my senior year – the night before the awards
convocation.  So, we all go to chapel that morning and see the
buffalo hanging from the ceiling with a sign on it saying, “One last
prank.”  Although the administration was not amused, the rest of
us were…

Until it caught fire.

Yes, the Chapel almost burned down that day.  I guess the people
who hung the buffalo placed one of the ropes too close to a light and
the prolonged exposure to the hot lamp caused it to catch fire. 
The awards convo was canceled, the Chapel evacuated, and the
firefighters came to put out the fire.  Needless to say, it was a
memorable experience – even if it didn’t go as the planners had
intended.  Last I heard, the kidnappers were never caught.

Fast-forward to this year, and the buffalo has been kidnapped again. 
This time, it’s a real buffalo that has been stuffed – not the
fiberglass one of my Milligan days.  According to the Fox News
website (third article down), the buffalo has been returned…hanging from the Chapel ceiling.

The administration is ticked, and I believe these are the reasons:
1. The damage to the fieldhouse during the break-in.  Pranks are fun, as long as there’s no damage to property.
2. The buffalo cost $16,000.
3. Some in the administration (but not many) were at Milligan when the
Chapel caught fire.  I’m sure it brought back memories.
4. The administration viewed the buffalo as unmovable – bolted to the
floor out of reach of the common man.  I think it really peeves
them that someone could still steal the beast after all of the security
they had implemented.

At least they didn’t burn down the Chapel this time.

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Howdy. I'm Matt. My wife, Christy, and I have four kids and two dogs, I'm passionate about orphan care. I'm a die-hard fan of the Evansville Aces, the Indiana Hoosiers, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live life by the Todd family motto: "It behooves us to live!"
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