This is worth sharing
Steroids. Idiot columnists who call coaches ‘hypocrites’ without really knowing the situation. Improper three-way phone calls. Spygate. The Patriots in the Super Bowl. There’s a lot wrong with the athletic world right now.
For a minute, I want to share what’s right in athletics.
IUPUI’s men’s basketball head coach, Ron Hunter, will coach tonight’s game without shoes or socks in an effort to raise awareness and donations for Samaritan’s Feet. And raise awareness he has! I was listening to Mike & Mike in the Morning and heard Coach Hunter in an interview. He said they were only 10,000 pair of shoes short of their stated goal, and they anticipated many more shoes to be donated tonight. Then they had a representative from Converse come on and announce they were donating 15,000 pair of shoes to the cause, so he has already reached his goal before the fund raiser officially begins. How cool is that?
And on top of collecting donations, he’s going over with Samaritan’s Feet in July to deliver the shoes. He mentioned that his players would like to go with him to help distribute them, but NCAA regulations won’t allow it (they’re petitioning for an exemption). Because – you know – everyone knows who the IUPUI Jaguars are and they’re all destined for the NBA. Obviously, Hunter needs to use incentives like trips to Africa to keep his players around (if you haven’t figured it out, my tongue is planted firmly in my cheek). Nevermind the personal character development for these kids. What better way to stretch a player as a person than to take them on something like this? If the NCAA is truly about the student-athlete, then they’ll make the right decision and make this exemption because this could be the most life-changing experience of their lives. Bigger than sitting in a classroom. And yes, even bigger than making it to the Big Dance.
Bravo, Coach Hunter for doing the right thing! I hope Myles Brand and the NCAA follows suit!
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Here’s a follow-up article.