Since I don’t have school this Summer, I figure I’d better establish some goals for me to accomplish before school starts. Let’s see how many of these I can actually accomplish…
* Make the most of the time with the kids before they start school in late July (year-round school).
* Start having “date nights” with Christy.
* Get this whole ADD thing situated again – Dr. visits, and whatever else is required.
* Complete the first draft of Memoirs of a Band Geek (it’s been over 10 years – you’d think I’d have it done by now!).
* Begin training an apprentice in our Community Group.
* Learn guitar (start learning, at least).
* Become more intentional in growing my SMI support team.
* Read (probably should read The DaVinci Code, but I dread doing it).
* I’d love to visit Athens, OH again. It has been entirely too long!
OK, that’s probably enough for now. I’m sure I’ll think of more to add. When I do, I’ll add them to the list. But it looks like a pretty big list as it is. So long, in fact, I’m starting to wonder what on earth I’m doing typing this entry. I’ve got too much to do!
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I am eagerly anticipating “Memoirs of a Band Geek”!!!
You read some of it when I started it in high school, I think. I think it was called The Web of Deceit or something like that. I’ve changed it around since then and done some other modifications.
I have the general storyline plotted out. Now I just have to put the rest down on paper. I’m sure the outline will change several more times as I write…
How about.. learn to make spaghetti sauce from fresh tomatoes.. let the kids experience Tijuana… Cook fresh fish on the grill.. visit Indianapolis (stay with Kevin and Liz) and go to the Indy Zoo.. and of course, get your picture taken by the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Come over!! We’re trapped here in our …..umm…awesome… jobs.