I feel much safer now…
The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that SWAT teams, helicopters and dozens of state troopers were used to raid an illegal cockfighting operation in Cocke County. According to the Humane Society of the United States, who somehow was allowed to participate in the raid, the FBI, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Tennessee Highway Patrol, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture took part in the activities against these criminals in Cocke County, Tennessee.
In a sad turn of events, the roosters’ newfound freedom was short-lived. They were gassed since no one would claim them. I’m sure they would have enjoyed living on a free-range farm. Why didn’t the Humane Society step up and give these chickens their hearts’ desier? Oh, that’s right…they were busy slaughtering the bird-brains.
What’s that I smell? Is it hypocrisy?
Good thing my tax dollars were put to such good use. I’ve been waking up at night in cold sweats, worrying about the threat posed to our country by the illegal cockfighting rings. They’re much more dangerous than the extremists who want to turn our country into rubble. I feel so much safer.
Speaking of feeling safer…
Glad my family doesn’t live in California. The “Smooth Criminal” (his words, not mine) was set free today. Did he do it? It doesn’t really matter to me. Has he done it before? Hey – if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and reads stories with hot chocolate like a duck while tucking in little boys, there might be some hint of it possibly being a duck.
If he didn’t do it, he needs to be convicted of stupidity. Only someone that was completely idiotic would sleep in a bed with boys after having been accused once of sexual misconduct. He was only setting himself up for another accusation. Keep the kids out of your room, Jacko! Of course, his acquittal means he’ll just keep on doing what he thinks is OK, since he’ll obviously get away with it again.
If he did do it…well…there is a gross miscarriage of justice going on.
“This just in…Saddam Hussein would like to have his trial moved to Santa Maria, California.” Quoth Dave Letterman. He’s too funny!
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What kind of parent would let a boy sleep with an adult? … Especially an adult that had been previously accused of inappropriate sexual “attempts”…. I would be FURIOUS if my grandson were allowed to be in this situation.
I am no MJ fan, but, I gotta say, all along, this has the stench of a “set-up”.
Stepping back a little, it does sound like a setup. That’s why it appears to me that MJ should be tried for stupidity
more thoughts…. and, of course, the national and California media make this SUCH a big deal…. )*&^%^&*()O we had hour-long specials on this on TV tonight (this is what I saw advertised, I had absolutely no interest in watching any of it…..)
I cannot believe that this is the most important issue that America faces today…… I am totally disgusted with this crap.
I really didn’t try too much to follow the case, but it was unavoidable since it was plastered all over the news. It seems to me that there cannot be a fair trial when a celebrity is involved because they are already tried in the media circus. I think I was at Philmont when the OJ trial was going, so I missed out on that trial by television (which is a good thing).
I think these two articles show how far off we’ve gotten with our priorities. Are both acts criminal? Yes. Should they be prosecuted? Yes. Did both involve overkill? Absolutely.
not related to freak Jacko….
you need to update your “Profile” on this Journal…. you are now a SECOND year seminary student!!! “Walk proud, Laddie” [there’s a story behind that statement, but it is probably one I should tell you in person, and not leave a written record to incriminate me….. 😉 ]
Done. Thanks.
Sounds like an interesting story. Guess I should wait. When are you guys coming down again 8{)}
Our neighbor’s rooster crowed this morning at three o’clock. Maybe the Humane Society of the U.S. should come rescue him from his tortured existence…
and gas him.
wacko jacko
We really shouldn’t make accusation against dear wee mikey, since he has never been convicted of any of those “alleged” attempts to commit an act against a minor. I don’t know why we would think a man who changed both his gender and his race would be up to anything strange. And he has always shown such good judgement with his own children… you know, naming them all after himself… putting bags over their heads to protect their privacy… hanging them out hotel windows by their toes…
Re: wacko jacko
You know, I thought about the balcony incident today as I was outside with the kids. I thought, “You know, I’ll bet Alyson would think that was pretty cool to dangle there off the edge of our porch, since we’re on the second floor and all…” Then I came to my senses. Yes, she might enjoy it, but I don’t think she’d enjoy having the authorities come take them out of the house because their father had gone insane! So, I didn’t do it.
I heard people say this was an example of white America trying to keep a successful black man down. First of all, the accuser was Hispanic, was he not? Secondly, I don’t recall a black man being on trial. This was MJ, after all!
Thank God for Santa Maria, CA
I think the only thing that could have kept the excessive force used upon the illegal cockfighting circuit out of the media spotlight was Jacko’s acquittal. Instead of saying, “Those crazy Southerners,” we are saying, “Those crazy Californians!”