My List (NOT My Resume)
While I do have a resume, that’s not what this is (you can read it here if you’re interested). And that’s not what this is intended to be. Instead, this is a list of things that I’ve done in my life. Check back. I’ll make sure to update it when I think of more things or when more things happen.
I totally ripped this idea off from Dan Sullivan. But don’t go over and read his just yet. Because his is much cooler. Then you’d come back to mine and say, “Wow. He’s kinda lame.”
I have:
- Performed on stage at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
- Sat in the gallery while the U.S. Senate passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
- Climbed a 12,441 foot mountain three separate times.
- Stood face to face with Lucy. Well…it was a copy of her, since the original was on display in Houston at the time.
- Whispered into an orphan’s ear that “Mommy and Daddy will be here to bring you home soon.” He and his brother were brought home from Ethiopia by his new parents three weeks later.
- Watched the original Star Wars trilogy more times than I can count. I can recite the lines from almost anywhere within those movies. I can also tell you where any particular point in the soundtrack actually takes place in the movies. Of course, most of you are not surprised by that.
- Been able to rattle off the names books of the Old Testament in order in 12 seconds (or less) since I was 10 years old.
- Been writing a novel about high school marching band off and on since 1994.
- Only enjoyed the taste of coffee while in Ethiopia.
- Had a doctor compliment the splint I put on my brother’s arm.
- Had an afternoon paper route for the Evansville Press all through middle school and high school.
- Petted a live, wild, sleeping black bear. Granted, it was tranquilized, but it was still pretty amazing.
- Accidentally dug an ax into my shin. While teaching ax safety.
- Turned down management job offers at Papa John’s and at Cold Stone Creamery.
- Taken Elementary Greek three separate times. Survived to the second semester only once.
- Had a woman from Austria compliment me on my German accent.
- Stood on the wing of an airplane at 10,000 feet.
- Hit my brother in the face with an aluminum baseball bat.
- Knocked a stone off a tree branch. Onto my brother’s head.
Other things I’ve done:
- Entered Kindergarten already knowing how to read, thanks to Ernie and Sesame Street. Was sent to first grade for reading (but remained in Kindergarten for everything else). When I was in first grade, I had already gone through that curriculum, so they sent me to second grade to read (again, staying in first grade for everything else).
- Wanted to be a lion tamer when I was a child. Then I wanted to be a movie director.
- Saw my youngest daughter’s brain via CAT scan before I ever saw her face to face.
- I have been to Major League Baseball games at Busch Memorial Stadium, Fenway Park, Three Rivers Stadium, Kauffman Stadium, Cinergy Field, and Great American Ballpark.
- Used to believe that I was not related to Mary Todd Lincoln. Recent exploration into our family’s genealogy has led us to the conclusion that yes, we are in fact, related to Mrs. Lincoln. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln is a distant relative of mine (by marriage). Now it hurts my feelings a little bit when people talk about how crazy she was.
I cannot:
- Clap and sing at the same time. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Having marched in a marching band in high school, I can march and play music at the same time. But I have never been able to clap to the beat while singing. Ever.
- Whistle.
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Howdy. I'm Matt. My wife, Christy, and I have four kids and two dogs, I'm passionate about orphan care. I'm a die-hard fan of the Evansville Aces, the Indiana Hoosiers, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live life by the Todd family motto: "It behooves us to live!"
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I love this! I was filling out a job application a while back that had some lame-o quesiton about what skills I learned in my past jobs. I made a list in a text message, which was accidentally deleted, but here’s a sample.
Some of the many skills I bring to this job are:
– churning butter
– running a day camp out of a mini van
– doing my job and not worrying about others
– telling my boss how to do his job, at his request.
– doing my boss’ job
– working with the mentally handicapped
– talking to some who should be declared mentally handicapped
– leading 100 children in songs
– helping my husband decide what he wants for dinner
– planning and preparing dinner for 30 children and adults
– dealing with angry unreasonable customers
– dealing with angry unreasonable children
And the list goes on.. and on.. and on.. 🙂
If it’s anything like our household, your most difficult task is helping your husband decide what he wants for dinner!
Okay so there are several really cool/funny ones here, but I gotta know about this one: “Stood on the wing of an airplane at 10,000 feet” —– whaaaat?
I wondered how long it would take someone to ask about that one. 😀