On Vacation

So, I’m sitting in the lobby of our hotel with a courtesy computer that is available for guests. I’d got a bunch to write about our visit to Charleston so far, but there’s something a little more pressing to share with everyone.

When Christy and I were seniors at Milligan, Dave was a freshman. We hit it off pretty well and have kept in contact over the years. He’s on a missions trip to Afghanistan right now. Although I’ve had limited contact with the news, I do know that things have not been very good in that country right now. He has been able to post a few thoughts and updates from the field. You can read his update here. It’s a powerful testimony of how God is a great Provider and Protector.

Please pray for Dave and the rest of the missions team!

More from our vacation will be up soon. Maybe even tonight!

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Howdy. I'm Matt. My wife, Christy, and I have four kids and two dogs, I'm passionate about orphan care. I'm a die-hard fan of the Evansville Aces, the Indiana Hoosiers, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live life by the Todd family motto: "It behooves us to live!"
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