Praying for a Mountain to Move
I somehow stumbled upon this photo today. I believe it was a God-thing.
This is a picture from the village of Durame in Ethiopia, near Mihret’s home village. This was the view from our hotel room the morning after we met Mihret’s Amata. In the background there’s a big ol’ mountain. But you can’t see it. It’s covered in a fog-like cloud.
There were many mornings at Milligan where we’d walk out the door of our dorms and see that Buffalo Mountain was covered in a similar cloud. “Look!” we’d say to each other, “God moved a mountain!”
When I opened the curtain to our hotel room in Durame and saw the mountain like this, I turned to Christy and said, “Look! God moved another mountain!”
He had certainly moved innumerable mountains to bring us to that point where we were able to actually bring Mihret home as our daughter nearly a year ago. I believe He has continued to move mountains with Mihret since she’s been home – even mountains we have not seen.
I don’t think it was by accident that I saw this picture today. I believe it’s time to pray for another mountain to be moved with Mihret. She has shown measured improvement in her eating and drinking over the past week. But it’s not nearly enough to sustain her without IVs.
They’re going to take her IV out tomorrow and see how she does. If she does not show improvement in her drinking, we’re going to have to go back to Riley on Saturday and take a more dramatic course of action. At this point, all signs are pointing toward going back to Riley.
So tonight and tomorrow, will you please join me in praying that God moves this mountain and that Mihret “bounces back” when she wakes up in the morning? Pray that she begins drinking a ridiculous amount of fluids? And I’m not asking for these short I Say A Little Prayer for You-type prayers. I mean, get down on your knees and join me in begging God to move this mountain.
What do you say? Will you join me?
He has moved bigger mountains than this before. In fact, this isn’t even a tiny anthill to Him.
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Praying with you. -Jack
Will be praying!
Thanks for sharing. Praying with you!