Groundhog Day: The Kids
Part (what is it…40?) 4 in the Groundhog Day Series where I try to answer the question: If you were forced to re-live a single day for the rest of your life, what day would you pick?
Answer #4: The day(s) our kids were born
This might be my least articulate post in this series, but these days are just as meaningful and memorable. They’re definitely worth mentioning in possible days I’d choose as my own personal ‘Groundhog Day.’
The day Aiden was born changed my life. Christy went into labor while I was leading a softball game at a church picnic. The next morning, we had a bouncing baby boy! It was an amazing experience.
Of course, my life changed when Alyson was born, too. Christy went into labor in the waning minutes of IU’s loss to Maryland in the NCAA Finals. A few hours later, we were blessed with Alyson’s arrival.
I couldn’t pick one day over the other as one I’d like to experience every day for the rest of my life. It’s an amazing experience watching a new life come into the world. I doubt, however, that Christy would want to go through the process every day for the rest of her life. So while this was an amazing, life-changing day, it probably wouldn’t make her list.
Like the other answers, it would be difficult (if not impossible) to go back and choose to pick one of these days, knowing we’d miss everything else since that day. If I perpetually re-lived the day Aiden was born, then we’d never know the animal-loving, friendly, and beautiful girl we call Alyson. And if I perpetually re-lived the day Alyson was born, we’d never have the child we’re hoping to adopt from Ethiopia.
Oh yeah. Have I mentioned we’re adopting from Ethiopia?
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