Baby, it’s cold outside!

Yes. It's THAT cold!

According to The Weather Channel, it’s currently a balmy two degrees below zero. Factor in the wind chill, and it feels like twenty-one below. Ouch.

The really disheartening thing about this news is that according to the same website, it’s actually warmer in Anchorage, Alaska, today than it is right here in East Central Indiana. It’s thirty-nine degrees in Anchorage. Wind chill makes it feel like thirty-three. That’s above freezing while we’re below zero!


Something just ain’t right with that.

Trying to make a snowball. She just couldnt grasp the finer aspects of snowball making.
Trying to make a snowball. She just couldn't grasp the finer aspects of snowball making.

It wasn’t as cold yesterday afternoon when the kids got home. So I let Alyson go outside and play in the snow for a while. She couldn’t figure out how to make a good snowball, in spite of my best teaching efforts. She did, however, make a pretty impressive snow angel. She made several snow angels, actually.

Working hard on the snow angel
Working hard on the snow angel
Still going...
Still going...
Look at that determination...
Look at that determination...
All done. Quite proud of her creation.
All done. Quite proud of her creation.
Let it snow!! Apparently, she didnt think it was snowing enough. So she decided to toss more in the air.
"Let it snow!!" Apparently, she didn't think it was snowing enough. So she decided to toss more in the air.

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Howdy. I'm Matt. My wife, Christy, and I have four kids and two dogs, I'm passionate about orphan care. I'm a die-hard fan of the Evansville Aces, the Indiana Hoosiers, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live life by the Todd family motto: "It behooves us to live!"
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