It’s ADD time in MattDanTodd Land!!
I think my ADD is in overdrive right now. Random thoughts have been popping in and out of my head the last few days. I think about something and then that thought goes down a completely different road.
I think that’s why I like Glenn Beck so much. I know I have ADD but it’s mild compared to him. Of course, he’s funny when he twists and turns down the winding road of his mind. I’m just discombobulated.
I really need to schedule an appointment with the doctor before I let the ADD thing get too much out of control.
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Howdy. I'm Matt. My wife, Christy, and I have four kids and two dogs, I'm passionate about orphan care. I'm a die-hard fan of the Evansville Aces, the Indiana Hoosiers, and Star Wars. I'm trying to live life by the Todd family motto: "It behooves us to live!"
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I have been afflicted with ADD, and prior to that ADHD, since the age of 6. ADD is an interesting animal, and like most animals can be tamed. I made peace with my ADD many years ago now, and as I’ll be 40 next year, I would like to think that I might know a thing or two about an affliction I have lived with and researched so very much over the last few decades. I would suggest to you an exercise. You can of course either proceed with it or not as you deem fit. Take two sheets of paper. On one, write the things that stress you out the most. On the other sheet write down the things that allow you to take whatever control you currently have over your ADD, and relax you the most as minimal as that relaxation may be. Try, for 1 week, to avoid as many of the stressful things as possible, and do as many of the relaxing things as you can. Then let me know what happens. I predict that you will surprise yourself considerably. I would very much like to hear your results.